The Greenwich Society

Contact Us

If you would like to contact a specific officer of the Society or to make contact about a specific subject, please refer to the list below: -


Please send articles, comments, photographs or ideas for the newsletter to the Editor, Lesley Hodsdon, at -  

Please send information, articles, photographs or ideas for the website to -  



For Household or Local Business Membership - To subscribe online, click here

If you prefer not to subscribe on-line, you can download the application form by clicking on the link below and posting the completed form - together with a cheque made payable to the "Greenwich Society" to the Membership Secretary at: - 

Greenwich Society
PO Box 79190
SE10 1GQ

PDF icon Membership Form

PDF icon Greenwich Society Privacy Policy



Please send letters, articles, comments, photographs or other material to - 

Greenwich Society
PO Box 79190
SE10 1GQ