Planning Applications
Greenwich Society Responses
November 2022
September 2022
April 2022
January 2022
November 2021
11th November 2021
Re: Planning Application 20/0710/F
Woodland Heights
I write on behalf of the Greenwich Society to object to the above application for an extension to Woodland Heights.
Woodlands Heights looks out over the Westcombe Woodlands, and over an attractive low-rise streetscape which is a conservation area. The Westcombe Woodlands are a unique piece of wild woodlands, and the present bulk of Woodland Heights already comprises a degree of visual intrusion. Similarly, it looms over the attractive houses in Vanbrugh Hill and the streets off it. But the problem would be made significantly worse if an additional 2 storeys were added (the roof terrace and the additional storey proposed of additional flats).
This is not the first time that a similar application has been proposed. In 2000 a similar proposal was advanced and after a large measure of local opposition was rejected. In 2020 an application was put forward to which again there was a great deal of local opposition. The current scheme is essentially the same and fails to address the repeated concerns about the height of Woodland Heights if this development was to go forward.
This proposed development is in or immediately adjacent to a Conservation Area. The Royal Greenwich Local Plan (Core Strategy) provides that “planning permission will only be granted for proposals which pay special attention to preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. The local scale, the established pattern of landscape…will be taken into account.”
This development does not satisfy those criteria. Woodland Heights is already out of scale with the neighbouring streets and the additional height would make it more dominant and visually intrusive. It does nothing to ‘preserve or enhance’ the area.
The Greenwich Society urges the Planning Committee to reject the application.
Jonathan Chandler
Honorary Secretary - The Greenwich Society
June 2021
Date: 21 June 2021
Premises: Trafalgar Tavern, Park Row, London, SE10 9NW
Application: grant of new premises licence – Licensing Act 2003
Ref: 12089
I am writing on behalf of the Greenwich Society to make representations against the application of the Trafalgar Tavern for the grant of a new licence which includes late night opening until 2am on weekdays and 3am at weekends. I can confirm our representations relate to the four licensing objectives.
Our primary representations are in relation to the objective on -
Prevention of nuisance
This is a mainly residential area and late night opening hours will cause substantial nuisance to the residents in the vicinity of the Trafalgar Tavern, as well as in the wider East Greenwich residential area. This nuisance will be primarily of noise from the Trafalgar itself (inside, outside, or on the roof terrace - whether from customers or its use as a music venue) and from people arriving and leaving the Trafalgar into the middle of the night.
Linked to the late opening hours is the issue of traffic and traffic noise including uber drivers and other taxis delivering and picking up customers.
In addition there is the nuisance caused by the multiple and unsightly refuse bins by the side of the Trafalgar Tavern obstructing the footpath. This is a current problem but is likely to be exacerbated by the later opening hours.
For this nuisance to be allowed until 2am and 3am respectively seems wholly unreasonable. There are no other late night entertainment venues in the area and the opening times should reflect the location of the Trafalgar Tavern in a residential area and be more closely aligned with traditional pub opening hours.
We would also like to make representations in relation to the other licensing objectives:
Protection of children from harm
There are families with children living in the area of the Trafalgar Tavern and their wellbeing will be adversely affected by the late night opening hours proposed. This will be from noise, increased litter, the risk of associated crime and disorder, as well as from the general disturbance resulting from late night opening hours.
Public safety
We are not suggesting that The Trafalgar is not currently a well conducted establishment but the late hours will bring in a different clientele and there will be congestion and the likelihood of raucous conduct which could give rise to public safety concerns.
Prevention of crime and disorder:
There is a real risk that later late night opening hours (to include the sale of alcohol) will lead to increased crime and disorder. The Trafalgar Tavern will be a magnet for groups of people looking for a late night drinking venue and with this there is much scope for petty crime and general disorder. We object to such a “club” venue in a residential area with more drinking, high numbers of customers, and limited public transport options for people to leave in an orderly way at closing time.
Although the comment may not be strictly within the remit of the principles on which objections can be lodged, we are concerned that The Trafalgar is in a highly sensitive location in a World Heritage Site and we are concerned that turning the Trafalgar into a late night drinking venue could detrimentally affect that status, and create an unfortunate precedent.
Thank you for your consideration of our representations and we would urge the Council to reject this application.
John Evans
Vice-Chair of the Greenwich Society
May 2021
For the Attention of: Casey Virasami, Development Management
Applicant: Trustees of Morden College
Proposal: Change of use from Auction House (Sui Generis) to Class B8 storage and distribution
Reference: 21/1167/F
Thank you for your letter dated 21 April to Richard Butt of the Greenwich Society. Richard has now given up his planning role for the Society and I am writing on behalf of the Greenwich Society in response to your letter.
The Greenwich Society would wish to register our objection to the change of use to storage and distribution for the following reasons:
- This is a residential area and the new use will result in increased traffic and pollution.
- An increase in vehicular traffic will increase pressure on the routes into and out of this area particularly from Trafalgar Road.
- The change of use will bring vehicles into conflict with the use of Old Woolwich Road as a general cycle and pedestrian route and the development of the Greenwich to Woolwich cycle route which follows Old Woolwich Road.
- Old Woolwich Road also has a nursery (opposite the auction site), a school, and Trinity Hospital, all of which makes a change of use to storage and distribution inappropriate given this will lead to more van movements and traffic generally.
Thank you for your consideration of the Greenwich Society’s objections.
January 2021
20/3373/F Registered 9 February Fidel Miller
We raised concerns about this proposal before and the new submission tends to add to them. We regret the loss of a community facility whilst acknowledging the importance of providing housing for people with serious disabilities. The layout of the bedrooms continues to concern us. Bedroom 3 has a double bed in it but is not large enough to allow two wheelchair uses to access the two sides of the bed. The way the doors open out from the wet rooms into bedrooms 2 and 3 is likely to impede mobility and be inconvenient. Sliding doors might be better. We are also concerned that the plan does not show clearly the location of the proposed bin store and the cycle rack. We would object strongly to the loss of more than a small amount of the green space. Nor is it clear where the parking bay would be located; it should not be carved out of the green space.
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020