What We Do
The Greenwich Society aims...
- to make Greenwich a better place for all who live, work and study there
- to protect the town's heritage and improve it's amenities
- to make it attractive for visitors
The Greenwich Society welcomes new developments...
- that are in harmony with the spirit of the area
- that bring regeneration from dereliction and decay
- that bring sustainable new jobs
The Greenwich Society plays its part...
- in the town centre and in East and West Greenwich
- through membership of the local agencies for regeneration
- through membership of community and environmental groups
The Greenwich Society...
- is a registered charity
- has a successful track record for over 50 years
- organises social and other events for its members
Key Objectives
- Effective traffic management and public transport
- Thriving, long-lasting, sustainable businesses
- Proper arrangements to manage the movements of visitors
- Appropriate regeneration of derelict and run-down sites
- Continuing face lifts for the Greenwich and East Greenwich town centres
- Improvement of both the built and natural environment in our area
- Close and effective work with the agencies that manage change
EventsLectures, talks, walks, suppers and a quiz
Executive Committee
Jackie Hicks (Chair), Tim Barnes, Jonathan Chandler & Helen McIntosh
Membership & Recruitment
Membership & Recruitment
Executive Committee
Lysanne Wilson, Jonathan Chandler, Kevin Fewster, Helen McIntosh
Traffic & TransportTown centre, main roads, rat-running, railways and stations
Traffic & Transport
Executive Committee
Tim Barnes, Kevin Fewster
EnvironmentGreen issues
Executive Committee
Sheila Keeble, Gillian duCharme
ITWebsite, Social Media
Executive Committee
Jonathan Chandler
Blackheath Joint Working Party
Blackheath Joint Working Party
Executive Committee
Philip Craig
Friends of Greenwich ParkRepresenting the Society on the Friends committee
Friends of Greenwich Park
Executive Committee
Jonathan Chandler
Liaison with other societies
Liaison with other societies
Executive Committee
Stephen Howlett
East Greenwich Residents Association (EGRA)
East Greenwich Residents Association (EGRA)
Executive Committee
Sheila Keeble
World Heritage Site
World Heritage Site
Executive Committee
Pieter van der Merwe